Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A New Blog For An Old Love (A.K.A. - Technology)

I've long loved putting my thoughts out into the world.  Whether it be on paper or via a blog or just social networking in general.  I say it's about time I started a blog for something I've been a long time fan  It started a long time ago thanks to my father whom also loves geeky things.  I remember the family's first computer...a GE HeadStart III.  It was top notch for it's time and we loved it.  Ever since I've had an affinity for technology and my how far it's come over the years.  I've been through a LOT of computers since and a few of them were pieced together from multiple computers and over time I've given up on most of them.  Gaming systems I haven't been through as many as I had the original NES and then didn't get anything until the original XBOX although I had friends with all the systems in between.  Then came the smartphone era which I've thoroughly embraced.  I think the only thing holding me back a lot is I'm a father a lot of my money goes to supporting the family so I really only get one (maybe two) big purchases a year and lately those have been dedicated to new smartphones or a laptop.  I am hoping to finally get a tablet and a smart TV but first things first I have a certain Galaxy S4 that has caught my eye and my S2 is slightly jealous.  So this blog is a first of many involving probably mostly things Android but will try to cover other things as well.  I've tried so many apps (free and purchased) so I have a good starting place.  Plenty of posts and hopefully some videos as well to come soon.


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