Those who are accustomed to modding and trying out ROMs on their devices may be familiar with Xposed Framework but for those who aren't this is a definite app that you should check out. By itself it does nothing but with some of the modules it changes everything. If you've used it before make sure to click the link above to get the newest APK as it's an all in one app now that makes using Xposed much easier as everything is right there for you. As you can see in the photo on the right this is what now shows up when you first open the app. From here you can open up right into framework and install or update if this is the first time you've used the app or if there is indeed an update.
If this is your first time (or if you've updated) you will have to reboot and once you do you can pull up the modules tab. Here is where you can check to use any of the modules you've installed. Once checked you will need to reboot again to enact the module with Xposed. Some of the modules you will be able to click on the description in Xposed and if there's a user interface built in to that module/app (which some do not have) then it will bring you directly there where you can then start choosing what mods you want. Some mods will require a reboot per setting change (as in Nottach's Xposed app) while others will only require the initial reboot once you've checked the app.
Another nice addition rovo98 has added to Xposed is a download section where you can easily find modules for your device. This will also show if there's an update to the framework app itself (not just the framework's app_process and XposedBridge.jar files but the app itself) or even if an update is available to one of the modules you're currently using (if supported). Also it will show you what modules that developers have allowed to be downloaded/updated by Xposed are currently installed because as you can see I have a few more installed than are showing on the downloads page. There are a slew that show available to download (it's showing me with an additional 55 modules I can download). So there's definitely not a lack of choices of what you can do. There are some that are device specific but some of the options may work on any device.
As always folks backup backup backup (in recovery) before doing any modifications because you never know what may "break" things and make your device somewhat to completely unusable. When you initially install the framework a disable zip is also downloaded to your files so you can also just flash that to completely disable Xposed. So as I have done just go in small steps enabling and modding so you can know what is breaking things and you can simply just not use that tweak. So for all you modders and tweakers out there check it out and enjoy even on stock ROMs as I have done because you don't have to use your device as the OEM's say you should.